Thursday, March 13, 2008

Walking in 40 degree weather

Last week as the daylight saving change was approaching, we had a couple days that went below zero (8 below on March 6th or some such). Setting the clocks forward seemed to kick in a March thaw and we've been enjoying highs in the 40s (one report said high of 50 today, at 12:35 it is 43). I've switched to one of my lightest spring/fall jackets and was out for the first time without being totally bundled up. (Once into the walk, I discovered I only had one glove... but didn't miss it). Perhaps because I couldn't get the ipod to work (I've just plugged it in and it says "please wait, very low battery), I was coming with a lot of Curmudgeon blog topics. Of course, since I wasn't actually blogging, what I'm putting down now may reflect some of these thoughts but may go in an entirely different direction.

In the news is the Eliot Spitzer scandal. Other than 'what was he thinking', I won't make any moral judgment only to say that I was amazed that he had spent over $80,000 for his 'escorts'. I immediately thought if I had that kind of money, I'd be getting a pre-war Martin guitar or two. (It's only a down payment for 1940 D-45 at Gruhn's for $165,000). However, it should cover a D-28 and you'd have plenty left over after buying the 1942 D-18 at Elderly's for 18,000 ).

Lynn has been in Claremont, CA (high today:73) seeing her mother. Lynn's mom is 91 and was in the hospital with pneumonia last week. She's recovering, but in the Pilgrim Place nursing home. From what Lynn is telling me she should be back in her assisted living place in a week or two.

Lynn's coming back Saturday, so I've been living solo (with Smudge our cat). I've been busy enough with work and the last two days we've had the new president from Boston as well as the major investor and the overall CEO (a Swede in charge of a Dutch company). The original founder and company parted ways a week or so ago ( a not uncommon story), so the new 'team' wanted to see their assets. I was glad to meet these guys and just hope they can keep the company going for a couple more years (I'm 65 in 2012 - worst case, I could get Cobra at age 63 1/2 to tied me over until I'm eligible for Medicare). I've managed to have Smudge indoors by the time I leave for the office, although with the warmer weather she leaps outside as soon as I get home. Been staying home most nights, but did get out to choir last night (and ate supper at Cuppa Java after a 45 minute post-work nap). Tonight will probably be spent at home, although Bill Cagley is hosting a roots showcase - we'll see how I feel once work is over.

I just became a Facebook Friend with Keith Ellison, our congressional rep : I'm also friends with Mpls Mayor R.T. Rybak and Al Franken. They all list their political views as 'Liberal', so maybe it is ceasing to be the 'L' word. They are strangely silent on 'religious views' - Politically I list 'Very Liberal' and Religious View is currently 'Old Time Musician grounded in Tradition' (I got that idea from Bruce Molsky who simply lists 'musician'). Of my friends, the best religious view is Jonathan Delehanty's "Cheap Whiskey' (he's another musician).

Thursday, March 6, 2008

On Facebook and over 60

About a year ago, I got an invite from the person who books the Mpls Stonearch Festival to join Facebook (this was shortly after they opened it up to non college students). Lynn and I had been using Myspace as our band website for some time, but for facebook I joined as 'Bob Dixon'; so far I've tried most of the 'music' networking tools on Facebook, but none seem to be as effective for a local 'old-time' band as Myspace. I started to gain Facebook friends, once some of my younger relatives and younger friends from Danebook found out (to their surprise) I was on facebook. I have also become friends with Musicians and Politicians who aren't necessarily close personal friends. So far I have '36' friends in roughly the following groups (there are some overlaps - I have relatives and Danebod friends who are musicians, for example):

Nieces and Nephews; but not all of them (Lynn is threatening to join, so I'd be her friend).

Danebod Folk Camp Friends:
Mostly 20 somethings, but just became friends from someone closer to my age ( a forty something).

some through my original Stonearch connection, others are more 'national' and even international.

Random Friends:
People I know who have discovered me or vice versa.

Al Franken and R.T Rybak (Mayor of Minneapolis) are on Facebook , so I figured why not?