Thursday, October 25, 2007

Down to Seeds and Stems Again

So twice in this past week I dated myself by using the term "Down to seeds and stems". The first was with Lynn (and I forget what the context was), the second was just now with a co-worker referring to the fact that the issues I have left for the next release are 'piddly' ones.

So I looked up the song and it's one by Commander Cody here's the lyrices at

I won't quote 'em all, but the last verse is representative:
first line spoken, not sung]   
Well my dog died just yesterday and left me all alone.
The finance company dropped by today and repossessed my home.
That's just a drop in the bucket compared to losing you,
And I'm down to seeds and stems again, too.
Got the Down to Seeds and Stems again Blues.
Of course it's been close to 30 years since I've been literally down to seeds and stems, but it's curious that I'm still using it as a figure of speech...

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