Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Are we still evolving ?

From an article in the New York Times:

"Researchers analyzing variation in the human genome have concluded that human evolution accelerated enormously in the last 40,000 years under the force of natural selection."

I have just finished reading a book about the 'cave paintings' in France that were done during a period from 33,000 to 12,000 years ago: The Cave Painters: Probing the Mysteries of the World's First Artists. My assumption (and the book's) were that the painters were pretty much like us.

So this premise of continual evolution is not something I'm buying into ... quite yet. And indeed the article continues with:

"The finding contradicts a widely held assumption that human evolution came to a halt 10,000 years ago or even 50,000 years ago. Some evolutionary psychologists, for example, assume that the mind has not evolved since the Ice Age ended 10,000 years ago."

So stay tuned because:
" ... other experts expressed reservations about the new report, saying it is interesting but more work needs to be done."

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